About Ithil.

Name: Ithil Oisian.
Nickname(s): Ith, innkeeper, loudmouth
Age: 25
Date Of Birth: December 28th
Zodiac: Capricorn
Species: Elven
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Profession: Innkeeper
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 134 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Pink

Written AppearanceSoft bubblegum colored pink hair is what will easily catch your eye first when you look at Ithil. Then one might take notice of his bright sky blue eyes that are framed by long lashes. Skin is pale as the snow that falls in the winter back home and ears are pointed like many others of the elven species. Standing at only five foot for inches tall, he's not at all self conscious about his height, instead utilizing it for things such as hunting and gathering for supplies and fitting into small spaces to avoid any fights that break out in his inn. Skin holds small scars from general clumsiness and little incidents here and there but there is truly nothing major that covers his pale skin. His clothing is not at all the finest in quality but it is clothes that keep him dressed and warm when the colder months roll in. One might note that his clothes have plenty of rips and tears in them but they are the best garments that he can afford and find. He has no tattoos that mark his body but he does have a birthmark on his the left side of his collarbone that resembles that of a flower.

Dominant Hand: Right
Scent: Flowers
Education: His parents taught him what they knew and they were fairly educated themselves despite the poor status that they fit into.
Languages: Elvish, English & a few sentences here and there of other languages.
Speaking Voice / Accent: Ithil has a very soft spoken voice, holding what sounds like a slight English accent if you really listen to him speak. His words that he speaks do not match how soft his voice is, cuss words spill out of a very delicate and airy sounding voice.
Financial Status: Extremely poor. Struggles to be able to keep the inn running good, struggles to put food on the table, struggles to get clothing that doesn't look worn out.
Habits: Finger and Foot tapping, running hands through his hair, rubbing the back of his neck when nervous or flustered.
Positive Traits: Adaptable, Alert, Curious, Efficient, Hardworking, Reliable
Neutral Traits: Sarcastic, Determined, Out-Spoken, Skeptical, Stubborn
Negative Traits: Blunt, Calculating, Fiery, Impatient, Insensitive, Unhealthy

Random information

Name Meaning: The Moon.
Allergies: Nuts
Eating Habits: He's not a picky eater, that's for sure but when you have to eat what you can find then well, you don't really think about being picky. Fun fact, he can't stand for his food to touch.
Sleeping Habits: Ithil struggles with sleeping because he finds himself not being able to get comfortable or feeling sickly more at night when he should be sleeping whereas during he day he can curl up about anywhere and nap a bit like some kind of cat.
Fears: Trusting others because people show too many signs of betraying you, Large bodies of water.

Hair Texture: His hair looks soft but feels so much softer that it looks, one of his best features is his super soft hair.
Vision: Poor. Ithil's vision isn't really all that great and you might notice it with how he will squint to read things or look at stuff far away from him. He can usually make sense of stuff near to him despite the blurriness but overall his vision is just poor indeed, not that anyone knows that.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Apples. Ithil really loves apples but hates the quality of the applies where he lives BUT, he loves apples so he suffers with them.
Hobbies: Reading, People watching, Drawing, Exploring.
Skills / Talents: He is good at making bird sounds, usually able to closely mimic it after hearing it once. He's also good at drawing.

BackgroundIthil was born deep in the forest bordering one of the biggest kingdoms nearby. What was a happy and wonderful elven village deep in the forest became less of a elven village when the kingdom that bordered that forest kept expanding to make the town for their wonderful humans bigger and bigger. So what was elven land was taken and the Elves had to live amongst humans, not that they were at all against living amongst humans but, the humans of this kingdom did not like living amongst elves at first. Alas, nothing could be done and humans and elves were coexisting now.Humans are always wary of things that they do not understand and understand elves they did not, though over the many years things got peaceful and this town soon became rather balanced with their human and elf coexistence. Ithil watched as humans became less and less wary of the Elves and grew friendlier with them. Yet, Ithil did not believe it was fair that the humans just took the Elven land like it was theirs and did not care and while man Elves were not bothered by it, there were some and Ithil was one of them.He does not hate humans at all, he thinks they are a bit idiotic at times and like to lay claim to land that is not their land all the time and they love to fight among one another over petty reasons. What is such a big kingdom is struggling for the royalties love of starting conflict with other kingdoms. Ithil's wish is that he can slowly save up enough money as an innkeeper to leave this place and find a better and kinder place for his parents to live peacefully as they did before in the old elven village.Trivia1. Ithil's parents bought the inn when Ithil was young and they spent so much of the money they made constantly repairing it and making it suitable for anyone to stay in. They spent more than they made truly which is why Ithil is having to try and make money back to get out of this place they live before conflicts get even worst and cause more hardships for this place in which they live.2. Ithil overworks himself constantly, he is the only employee of the Inn besides his parents and they are not in the best of shape to be doing a lot of the work that needs to be done so he does it for them. He works himself sick and works more to keep the shabby in from falling apart and to keep it presentable so that more money can be made.3. Ithil is also not doing as well health wise due to the fact that the kingdom in which he lives in is becoming a very poor kingdom with little resources and there are sicknesses that spread through the kingdom. The sicknesses seem to only target adults, people that can fight for the royals. Ithil is not blind, he knows there is many sabotages going on from other kingdoms that the kingdom he lives in is having conflicts with.4. When Ithil's parents feel well enough to look after the inn for a bit, Ithil will go and hunt and gather for food rather than just buying the food in town because Ithil knows some of that food isn't at its freshest at times and eating food that isn't fresh is not good for his sickly parents. Problem is, Ithil is kind of a shit hunter and gatherer if truth be told.


NarutoIthil was not born into one of the hidden villages, instead born in a little town in the middle of seemingly nowhere, a place that a gang and some bandits seem to own and missing nin like to hide out at times. It's not a good town and none of the civilians are looked out for by those that decided to take over the town so all the money that they make has to go to the "leaders of the village" and there's only very little left for the civilians, though the civilians stick together and look out for each other, sharing supplies and food and whatever money they can to help each other while the wannabe "leaders" act cocky and try to hoard any money made in the rundown little place.In this place there is at least an Inn, ran by Ithil's parents for a long time and then handed over to him as they grew older and became less able to take care of the inn and became sickly with age. Ithil who has always had a rather weak body and comes down with sickness easily still never let the so called wannabe leaders run over him, standing up to them even if it bites him in the ass later. Ithil is just waiting for the day the right people come through and knock the wannabe leaders of the town down a few pegs and the civilian's can find peace in their own hometown again.

more verses in the works!

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